Beliefs & Values

What we believe at Wayfinders Church about Jesus, the Bible, and the Church

Our Beliefs

These are the beliefs Wayfinders hold to be true:

We believe in one God revealed in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living.

We believe that man is created in the image of God but that image is marred and corrupted by rebellion or sin and brokenness.

We believe that God has given humans free-will to choose or reject God’s love and enjoy living in forgiveness.

We believe that through Jesus Christ the whole human race enjoys the opportunity to know God and be delivered from the dominion of sin.

We believe that believers are to be set apart by the Holy Spirit to live out God’s dream for creation.

Our Chief Value

Christ in You! Now Go!

We are all created in the image of God so...

We can live out God's will because God is within us and for us.

Our Values


Because God actively pursues us, we will cherish everyone.


God's grace is for everyone; everywhere. No exceptions.


We do what we do on purpose: to see God's dreams made reality.


All good things come from God. We give in defiance of selfishness and greed.


Bringing openness and accountability to how we interact.

Have questions?

Have a question about what we believe at Wayfinders Church? Get in touch with a person on our lead team directly by clicking the button below.